I've just watched a very cute and inspiring video from Kitchen Gardeners International, called "This Lawn is Your Lawn". Roger Doiron, the founder of KGI, has started a campaign to convert part of the White House lawn into a garden. Sound crazy? It's actually been done before, when First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt grew her Victory Garden in the 1940s. She inspired thousands of Americans to do the same, until nearly 40 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables were being grown in these Victory Gardens at a time when food and other resources were scarce.
Today about 1/3 of all greenhouse gas emissions comes from the production and transportation of agriculture. Kitchen Gardeners International is asking that the next President lead by example, turning a good portion of the White House grounds into edible landscaping to feed his own family and local food pantries and shelters. What an example that would set! As the price of oil skyrockets, thus resulting in higher food costs, it is making more and more sense to eat locally-grown (if not home-grown) food.
The video is only about 5 minutes long. Click HERE to watch it. You can also just go straight to the petition at EatTheView.org.